MTN’s Policy on Controversial Issues
The Ministry Training Network acknowledges that among equally godly and Bible-centered believers there are differences concerning certain teachings of Scripture, such as the security of the believer, the relationship between the sovereignty of God and the will of man, the details concerning the Last Days, and the gifts of the Spirit. These same believers are in full agreement concerning the foundational teachings of Scripture, such as the authority and inerrancy of the Scriptures, the Trinity, the full deity and full humanity of Jesus, the sinfulness of man, the substitutionary atonement of Christ, his bodily resurrection, and the salvation of man by grace through faith.
Consequently, while not ignoring the controversial doctrines, our instructors emphasize those foundational teachings that we all hold in common. These foundational teachings are expressed in our Statement of Faith. |
In the case of those teachings concerning which true believers differ, our policy is to objectively present the differing viewpoints and the support utilized by their advocates. In addition, we encourage the students to further explore these teachings with their pastors. |