
MTN sponsors the Perspectives course every 18 months in Rhode Island.
The next Rhode Island Perspectives class will be starting September 2022
Go to for more information about this program.
If you have questions, email

  • The Perspectives Study Program is a ministry of the U.S. Center for World Mission, a non-denominational para-church ministry that works with churches, mission agencies, and campus ministries around the world.
  • Using readings from the “Perspectives Reader” and taught in person by subject matter experts.
  • In fifteen challenging weeks, the course explores the Biblical basis for world missions, how the Gospel spread, and the cultural, and strategic implications of the Gospel.
  • Perspectives is offered for certificate, college or graduate credit.
  • The Association of Christian Schools International (ASCI) awards 7 CEU credits to Christian school teachers who complete the course. For more information go to or check out the link below: